I think it goes without saying that we all love our cats but how do we tell them that we love them? Although I’m sure my some cats understand when we talk to them, especially when they meow back to answer us. However, there are some simple things we can do to show cats we love them in a way that they can understand.

Here are 10 ways I show love to my own cats plus every cat in my care.

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1. Know your cat’s favourite spots

All cats enjoy to be stroked but some have a preference as to where. It could be the top of their head, under the chin, behind their ears or even on their back at the base of the tail. Spend time with your cat getting to know which they prefer. If you’re not sure, your cat will let you know! They’ll gently nudge you or move to make sure you’re in the perfect spot.

2. Slow blink at your cat

A slow blink is the ultimate cat sign for trust. If they are comfortable they will slow blink at each other (and humans). A slow blink back at them tells them that you trust them, feel safe and are comfortable in their presence. This is one of the first things I do when a new cat comes to stay. I sit with the cat, at a distance, and slow blink to help settle the cat. Try giving your cat a slow blink next time it looks at you.

3. Provide a suitable environment for your cat

Indoor cats, in particular, need lots of stimulation to stop them from getting bored. A bored cat can display signs of depression, aggression and behaviour problems. One way to counter this is to provide places for them to scratch climb, hide and observe the world from up high. A new cat tower, shelves and/or suitable scratch post will help to show them how much you care. Although an empty cardboard box will be appreciated too!

4. Treat your cat to some catnip

I use a premium quality dried catnip which usually has a positive reaction from the cats. Not all cats will react to catnip, some aren’t affected at all. Whereas some cats will lick it, roll around in it or go crazy kicking at their toys and running around. Catnip is definitely a treat for those who respond to it. This article from Your Cat Magazine explains more about what Catnip is.

5. Encourage your cat’s natural behaviours

Cats love to pounce and stalk its a natural instinct for them. Provide toys that promote these instincts. I use a range of toys with my own cats and cats in my care. I like to mix it up so they don’t get bored but you could use a feather or toy on a wand, a laser or an automatic teaser like the *Frolicat one in the video.

6. Groom your cat

Cats take pride in their appearance, they will spend hours grooming and cleaning themselves. If you groom your cat, with with a brush or just strokes your cat might lick or groom you to return the favour. You can’t force a cat to lick you but if you’re patient and don’t make a fuss when that scratchy tongue licks you then they will be more likely to repeat it in the future.

7. Snuggle up with your cat

Who doesn’t love to curl up on the sofa with their favourite being? Cats certainly do, the more you let them sit on your knee or lie next to you the more they feel loved. If you want to you could always let them sleep on your bed with you. I feel a word of caution needs to be added here though…once you let a cat snooze on you, your stuck in that position ha ha. Cat parents tend not to move for fear of disturbing our little fur babies.

8. Interact with your cat

Playing with a kitten is easy, they are full of energy and love playing. However, all cats need some stimulation and interaction too. Find out what kind of play your cat prefers, some like to fetch or play with small balls. Others enjoy playing with a catnip toy, Myshkas Toybox and Pretty Kitty Cat make our favourite toys. A cat with attention, interaction and stimulation will definitely feel loved.

9. Provide a comfortable sleeping spot for your cat

Cats love sleeping, on average they spend around 12-16 hours a day sleeping, and if they’re not eating or playing then they are generally lounging around. Some cats won’t necessarily use a cat bed but they will lie on a blanket on the sofa or sleep on top of a fridge or cupboard. My own cats love sleeping on their RHR Quality Cat Tree, it’s big enough for all three of them to share including Nala, the Maine Coon.

10. Keep your cat mentally and physically active

Domestic cats have the luxury of a human slave to cater to their every need. However, as cat parents, we need to make sure we do the best possible job with our cats and not let them get overweight or bored. One way to maintain our cats’ health and wellbeing is to provide a range of games to keep them active. *Catit Design Senses Circuit in the video, is a popular game to keep them active.

How do you show your cats you love them? Let me know in the comments below, I’d love to add them to the list.

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