When people visit The Great Catsby Cat Hotel they usually ask about the TV’s in the corridor, ‘Those TV’s aren’t for the cats are they?’ And my answer is always, ‘Of course, it’s Cat TV!‘ Indoor cats and cats in a cattery need stimulation in their daily life, videos for cats are just one way to keep their brains active.

With having the TV’s in the corridor every cat could see what was happening. However, after seeing just how much the cats enjoyed Cat TV, I decided to make a little upgrade to the rooms. During February and March 2019 we have been busy adding a new screen to every room! Now our guests can enjoy the videos from the comfort of their bed, (whichever bed they choose).

Why do cats like watching videos?

Cats need stimulation, their brains need to keep active otherwise they may get depressed or bored. In either case, this can lead to problems if a cat doesn’t have access to an enriched environment. Enrichment for cats comes in many forms, but for house cats or cats who prefer to stay inside then videos are one way to grab their attention and keep them mentally active.

Cats are stimulated by movements, it triggers their natural pouncing instincts. These videos are specially curated for cats to provide lots of movement to attract their attention. The videos usually centre around a cat’s natural prey. For cats with little outdoor experience or access to windows videos for cats are the next best alternative.


We now have a selection of these videos playing within each room on a private screen for our guests viewing pleasure. Don’t worry though, the cats do have plenty of screen-free time, videos are just one of the ways to provide a stimulating environment. Here are our favourites!

Paul Dinning’s YouTube Channel is devoted to cat videos, he provides some of the best wildlife videos around. His videos of birds, mice, and squirrels feeding close up are a huge hit at our cat hotel!

Relax my cat is aimed at helping cats and kittens with separation anxiety, boredom, loneliness, and other issues. They produce videos and music to help relax cats which can all be found on their YouTube chanel.

Cat Trumpet’s YouTube channel is filled with relaxing videos. Our favourites are the aquarium, jelly fish and the flickering log fires.

Videos For Your Cat is another channel dedicated to entertaining your cat through video.

As well as wildlife videos there is a wide selection of cat games available on YouTube. These games are all designed to catch the cats attention with moving fish, creepy crawlies or lasers. Some cats may try to pat at the objects as they fly around the screen.

For more video and game ideas take a look at my playlist here. Enjoy!

If you want your cat to be mentally stimulated whilst on holiday then reserve your dates at The Great Catsby Cat Hotel.

Videos for cats

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